In my many years of experience as a nurse and complementary therapist, I have come to a powerful understanding: both animals and humans often carry emotional baggage within their muscles. This isn’t just a belief born from observation; it’s supported by scientific research. Studies have shown that our emotions are intricately linked to our physical bodies, and when emotions are left unresolved, they can manifest as muscle tension. This chronic muscle tightness not only restricts movement and causes physical pain but also takes a toll on our emotional well-being.

Research in the field of psychosomatic medicine has established that emotions, particularly negative ones such as stress, anxiety, and grief, can lead to muscle tension. This occurs through the body’s stress response, where the nervous system triggers muscle contractions as a form of defense. Over time, if these emotions remain unaddressed, the muscles stay tense, creating a vicious cycle of physical and emotional discomfort. The body becomes a reservoir for unresolved feelings, and maintaining this state of tension is not only physically exhausting but emotionally draining as well. This ongoing process can lead to feelings of irritability, frustration, and even depression, as the constant physical strain impacts the mind.

When muscle tension is effectively released, it often leads to an emotional release as well. This dual relief can be transformative, with many individuals experiencing a deep sense of catharsis—sometimes accompanied by tears—as they let go of long-held emotional burdens. Animals, too, respond remarkably to the release of muscle tension. It’s not uncommon for them to show visible signs of relaxation and relief, as if a weight has been lifted from them. This change is often immediate and noticeable, leading to a happier, more content demeanor.

The profound connection between physical and emotional health is beautifully illustrated in the numerous stories I’ve encountered through my practice. One particularly moving example is the experience of a client who brought in their rescue dog, Ollie, for treatment. The transformation they witnessed in Ollie—and in themselves—after just one session underscores the powerful impact of addressing both muscle health and emotional well-being.

Here’s a heartfelt testimonial from that client, which perfectly encapsulates the life-changing effects of releasing muscle tension:

Dear Tony,

I just wanted to thank you again for your generosity in treating Ollie, Gavin, and myself on Saturday.

They say seeing is believing, but what we saw and felt would stretch any imagination!

Ollie never stopped whining in the car the whole way up. So it was incredible that he never made a sound for the 2.5 hours it took us to travel home.

It is like there was a constant buzzing in his nervous system that has now ceased. He was calm and relaxed, a different dog.

The three of us just slept for the rest of the weekend. We took Ollie for a long walk on Sunday morning before Gavin drove back to Dublin where he is living.

The funny thing is, Gavin had planned to run around all day Sunday visiting friends and cramming in every possible activity he could think of on his day off, which is his normal MO. As he was packing the car, listing out all the things he was going to do, he said to me, “You know what? I’m just going to go back and take it easy!” So he did none of those things but went back to Dublin and rested.

I can’t tell you which of those things was more amazing, Ollie or Gavin!

There was a constant buzz in Gavin’s system as well, never able to rest, relax, settle. Always go, go, go.

As for myself, I don’t know what is different. I have been very tired and resting, with Ollie sleeping next to me on the couch—it isn’t hard! He only barked once when we were going out for our walk, but as even Gavin said, the tone and the sharpness and the duration were totally different.

When I left for work this morning, there were no histrionics at the door; he just settled into his bed. I will be up at 1:00 as always.

I can’t even begin to tell you what a change I am seeing in the two of them, and what a blessing it is to leave for work knowing he is relaxed and calm and not as upset as he has been. He’s often asleep when I come home at lunchtime, so I know he settles, but it is so distressing to watch, and it sets me off then feeling terrible that he is so upset.

Gavin loved meeting you. He said it was like getting a class and a treatment.

You have left a tremendous impression on a very cynical young man, and I truly hope it challenges his idea of what humans and living things are by nature.

I can’t thank you enough. I also have a feeling that the treatment has triggered a deeper cascade of release, so it will be interesting to see what unfolds!

There are moments when your perspective on life seems to pivot, and meeting you on Saturday was just such a priceless moment.

Shelia Bowen

This testimonial vividly illustrates the profound impact that releasing muscle tension can have on both physical and emotional health. Ollie’s transformation and the subsequent change in Gavin’s behavior highlight the interconnectedness of our physical state and emotional well-being. This story serves as a powerful reminder of the holistic nature of healing and the incredible benefits of addressing both the body and the mind.