When I embarked on my journey as a complementary therapist, I envisioned a path filled with human clients seeking balance and well-being. I never imagined that one day I would be extending my healing hands to cattle. Yet here I am, reflecting on this unexpected and heartwarming turn in my career, with a smile on my face and a deep sense of fulfillment in my heart.

My venture into the world of animal therapy began in a rather surprising way. One day, I was approached by a farmer who was curious about whether my skills could be applied to his herd. Intrigued and always open to new experiences, I agreed to give it a try. Little did I know that this decision would lead me into a world where cows would become some of my most cherished clients.

Working with cattle has been nothing short of a revelation. These gentle giants have taught me invaluable lessons about patience, communication, and the quiet strength that lies in the connection between beings. Each cow I’ve worked with has brought its own personality and quirks, making every session unique and deeply rewarding.

One of the most memorable cows I’ve encountered was described by her farmer as “temperamental.” She was notorious for being standoffish, but as soon as we began our session, something changed. By the end of our time together, she was following me around like a loyal puppy, completely at ease in my presence. It was a profound reminder that even the most seemingly aloof creatures have the capacity for trust and connection when approached with care and respect.

Then there’s Clover, a cow with a flair for the dramatic. Whenever I visit her farm, she demands to be the first to receive my attention. If I dare to focus on another cow before her, she gives me the most unmistakable dirty look. Once she’s had her fill of “Tony time,” she’s quick to nudge the other cows away, as if to say, “That’s enough, it’s my turn!” Her antics never fail to make me laugh, and the joy she brings to our sessions is something I treasure deeply.

Of course, it’s not all about personality and playfulness—there have been times when my work has had a tangible impact on the health and well-being of these animals. One particular case that stands out involved a cow with a severe back and hip injury. The poor thing was in such pain that she couldn’t even move her tail, a situation that was causing her considerable distress. In just 15 minutes of treatment, her movement was restored, and she was visibly relieved. Moments like these remind me of the true power of the work I do, and the difference it can make, not just for humans, but for all living beings.

Another case that touched my heart involved a pregnant cow who had suffered a significant muscular injury. She was struggling to walk and her future looked uncertain. With careful, consistent treatment, she began to improve. Today, she’s thriving, has given birth to more calves, and though she has a slight limp, her overall health and happiness are evident. Seeing her contentedly grazing, knowing I played a part in her recovery, fills me with immense satisfaction.

Collaborating with farmers to support the health of their livestock in a natural, drug-free way has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my work. There’s something truly special about knowing that my skills are contributing to the well-being of these animals and, by extension, the livelihoods of the farmers who care for them. It’s a reminder that complementary therapy isn’t just for people—it can benefit any living being, and in ways I never would have imagined when I first started out.

As I continue this unexpected journey, I can’t help but wonder what’s next. Each farm visit brings new challenges, new lessons, and new connections. One thing is certain: I’m incredibly grateful for this path I’ve taken, and I look forward to seeing where it leads me next. Whether it’s helping a cow recover from an injury or simply sharing a laugh with Clover, every moment is priceless, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.