Since last November I have been suffering from debilitating pain all down my right leg, no amount or strength of painkillers had the slightest effect.. I eventually discovered there was not only a problem in the ankle but also with L4&5 in my back.

By a very Happy  chance a neighbour told me about Emmett treatment and Tony …….who Came to the house…..other possibilities meant long- therefor impossible drives and up to a minimum of 20 treatments. I will be forever grateful for her recommendation and So happy to recommend him myself.
From the first session the excruciating pain was eased and increasingly so with subsequent visits. Tony also helped a neighbour and her dog, even showing her how to support the dog herself. Another neighbour who was having palliative care at home was greatly eased and her family were incredibly grateful for Tony comforting and  lessening her final suffering.
My overall arthritic condition has been helped by him in so many ways and recovery from a recent operation too has been greatly relieved and speeded up.
The reaction to the treatment, always done with gentleness and good humour, does also depend on my body being able to respond – in spite of it’s 82 years it Is managing to do so……the Only problem……..Stopping  Myself from doing Too Much🙄